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Writer's pictureDanelle Tucker, CSCS, CES

The Importance of Thoracic Spine Mobility

Thoracic spine mobility seems to be somewhat underrated, yet extremely important in any movement we do, whether its upper or lower body. Often, T-spine mobility will go hand-in-hand with overhead athletes or any athlete due to the spinal rotation that most overhead movements require during the wind up phase, but also with the separation that occurs in the upper and lower body during those movements.

While this type of mobility is important for overhead athletes, it is also just as important for any other athlete or person who wants to execute any sort of rotational or overhead movements pain free and competently.

Thoracic spine mobility is also one of the key elements for healthy shoulders. If there is lack of mobility in the T-spine, this can lead to the lumbar spine compensating more which can lead to lower back pain. Furthermore, if there is no mobility in that part of the back, the shoulder blades cannot contract properly. Below are a few easy exercises that can be incorporated into any warm up, accessory work, or rehab program.

Foam Roller T-spine Extensions

Quadruped T-spine Openers

½ Kneeling Banded T-spine Openers

Side Lying Windmill Stretch

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